Sustainability Roundtable


Breakout Roundtables Room

Magazine publishers are increasingly coming under pressure from their readers to stop wrapping magazines in plastic, but what alternatives are there? This roundtable seeks to explore the range of options available to publishers, from compostable options to sending magazines unwrapped. Drawing upon insights from the PPA Sustainability Action Group, this discussion focuses on the different materials available for magazine production, and their sustainability credentials. As part of this, you will hear about how one publisher has navigated through the complexity of the options available first-hand.

Join the PPA Sustainability roundtable to share experiences and learn about:

  • Plastic wrapping – what are magazines commonly wrapped with? What are the strengths and weaknesses of using traditional polywrap bags?
  • Alternatives to plastic magazine wrap – hear how compostable and potato-starch based polywrap differ, how paper can be used to wrap magazines and the process of sending them unwrapped.
  • Publisher testimonial – curious to how publishers make decisions regarding magazine wrapping? Find out how decisions are being made based on their cost, sustainability credentials and efficiency.
  • Looking to the future – hear about new initiatives being carried out to reduce the amount of single-use plastic used within the magazine industry.


Public Affairs Executive